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Choose the service that is right for you...

your 12-week reveal plan

12 week

Gr8 New Me "Your 12-week Reveal Plan"

Are you ready to reveal the “real you” that's always been there? 


During our 12 weeks together, we'll get you to a place where you 

  • No longer feel hungry all the time

  • Get back the energy and vitality you’ve been missing


Whether you believe you can; or, you believe you can’t; either way you are right.


Together we'll quickly and easily create changes that allow you to believe you can


Right now your mind is running unhelpful ingrained habits, and/or self-limiting beliefs which make change hard.

My method turns these around into positive habits and empowering beliefs.

Once your new habits become ingrained, healthy decisions are natural and easy.


As you can now see, we won’t be using: rigid regimes, special recipes, obscure supplements or banning any foods. 

Your 12-week personal plan is:

  • Designed around you and your life

  • Built around your feelings and desires

  • Gives you a clear path for change 

  • Provides you with the guidance needed to make empowered decisions 

  • Offers you ongoing support and accountability


Are you ready to reveal the “real you” in the mirror once more?


Book an initial (complimentary) full-experience coaching session. Click this link and select a date.

Price: Pricing is flexible as programme is bespoke for each individual.



heathy not hungry

Gr8 New Me "Banish Cravings" Workshop

Are you ready to start your journey to habit change and control over cravings?

This workshop explores how to recognise the triggers behind your incessant food cravings and provides options so you can feel less hungry and less guilty.

You will leave the workshop motivated to eat differently (not less); and with tools that give you control over cravings.


Click this link to select a workshop date.

Price: £25+VAT

Gr8 New Me Health Hacks For Professionals

Are you ready to join a support group that provides you with:

  • Fortnightly workshops on how to enjoy your food while managing your cravings. 

  • The 1-on-1 help and accountability you need to build sustainable habit change.

  • An App that will ensure you overcome weight loss plateaus with ease.

  • Weekly reference guides that show you: how to recognise craving triggers; techniques for creating new habits that stick; which foods will banish cravings; methods for adapting your favourite foods; choosing foods that deal with specific conditions; and much much more.


Book an initial (complimentary) full-experience coaching session to help you decide.

Click this link and select a date.

Price: £200+VAT per month. Min commitment 3 months.


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